The American Legion Department of Minnesota Family Suicide Prevention Coalition:
Refer to the next section on this page for the next coalition meeting date & time.
Check out the bottom of the page for scheduled events/training.
The Minnesota American Legion Family Suicide Prevention Coalition is a grassroots effort to make an awareness in our Posts, Districts and communities, suicide needs to be preventable and to have the tools to help. Our Coalition meets monthly to strategize on how we can get information and training to our Post levels. In this crazy world we are living in we all need to have the tools to recognize someone needs help or a shoulder to lean on. Our Veterans and their families well being is the number 1 priority.
The American Legion Department of Minnesota, has an opportunity for our family to create networks across MN so no matter which American Legion Post/Auxiliary/Sons of The American Legion/and family member, a person is connected to or walking into, they have suicide prevention information and resources readily available and all MN districts are making an effort to reach out to their community, connect with local folks who may be struggling and prevent suicide in our military family community.
Please disseminate this information widely, so that any MN American Legion Family member can be a part of this coalition.
The last clause in our preamble; “by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.”
Thank you all for your time and consideration. Please reach out to me with any questions.
Department Adjutant Mike, 651.424.4613, [email protected].
Next Meeting
Date: Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month.
Time: 1000hrs
Location: by Zoom, the link to the meeting will be emailed out. If you would like to be a part of the meeting and have not attended one of our meetings, please email Jane at; [email protected]
If a post or district within The American Legion Department of Minnesota would like to host a Suicide Prevention/Awareness seminar please give me a call, ADSO Janet. The S[signs].A[ask].V[validate].E[encourage & expedite]. training would last approximately one-hour. We can tailor the seminar to concerns or issues that maybe affecting your community or area of the state? If your post is willing to be the host for your district or a number of posts in your area give me a call and I will set it up for you.
Contact: Janet Lorenzo email – [email protected]
Adjutant Mike; direct line – 651.424.4613, or email – [email protected]
American Legion Family SPC 07-19-22
No meeting in August
9-20-22 TALMN Family SPC Minutes
American Legion Family SPC Minutes 10-20-22
American Legion Family SPC Minutes 11-15-22
No Minutes for the February 2023 meeting as S.A.V.E training was conducted.
21 MAR 23 TALMN-SPC Mtg Minutes
Meeting Minutes 16May23 TALMN-SPC
American Family Legion October 2023 meeting minutes
American Family Legion November 2023 meeting minutes