Welcome to Legionville


(Scroll down once you get there.)

NOTE: If you know your camper is being sponsored by an organization, please do NOT register online until you have their coupon code. Otherwise, you may be charged the $500 registration fee.

A Brief History

Legionville is a program of the Minnesota Department of The American Legion through a nonprofit educational corporation. Titled Legionville School Safety Patrol Training Center, Inc.,  its primary function is to train Minnesota boys and girls in the procedures of school-safety patrol work at intersections and in bus patrol work.

The idea of the School Patrol originated with Sister Carmela of the Cathedral School in St. Paul on Feb. 21, 1921 when the first patrolmen were stationed at the intersection of Kellogg Boulevard and Summit Avenue in Saint Paul. Adopted citywide by the City of St. Paul in 1922 as a part of the program of the School System and the St. Paul Police Department, it was also adopted as a statewide program by the Minnesota Highway Patrol.

Earle Brown, the first chief of the Minnesota Highway Patrol, felt that a uniform program of training and support should be created in the State and came to the Minnesota American Legion in 1935 requesting such assistance. In 1936, under a cooperative program, The American Legion started a statewide training program held at the Crow Wing County Fairgrounds in Brainerd, with two years at Camp Ripley, using these facilities until 1956. The Training Center was staffed by members of the Minnesota Highway Patrol, qualified Legionnaires and support staff.

In 1948, the Minnesota American Legion set up a committee to raise funds to construct a permanent training center for the School Patrol. The Parker family, in 1954, donated the original 560-acre site on North Long Lake. The caretaker house used to be the old farmhouse, and the old barn was once the old milk house and was converted into an educational building. The area called Parkerville consists of many family cottages along the lake right next to Legionville. The generous Parker family, many of whom were Legionnaires in Brainered, also donated the Boy Scouts camp on the other side of North Long Lake.

A later addition of land raised the total to 610 acres with 1,500 feet of shoreline beach. The property contained some buildings, including a large barn which was converted to an all-purpose unit of classrooms, office, canteen, first aid room, a large theater and a recreational area on the second floor. A modern dining hall, seven dormitories, caretaker’s house and two cabins for staff have been built creating the modern Legionville School Safety Patrol Training Center, Inc.

From the first program in 1936 of two weeks and 157 patrolmen, the enrollment has progressed to more than 1,000 each season with the training center having a session capacity of 168. All sessions are now co-ed.

Each youngster, between the ages of 8-13, attends and is sponsored by an organization in his or her hometown. The typical patroller is a student entering fourth, fifth, or sixth grade. The patrollers are selected to represent their schools at Legionville by the School Patrol advisor of their school and local personnel. Teams of patrollers are encouraged to attend together to enhance their training and knowledge.

Legionville is a function of The American Legion, Department of Minnesota. However, the local Posts and Auxiliary Units contribute heavily to the program and handle many of the details making each year a smooth operation across the state. In addition to sending patrollers to the Training Center, many Posts and Auxiliary Units make direct contributions to Legionville for maintaining the Center and adding needed equipment. This enables the weekly fee to the Center to remain at a low level.


Make all communications to:
c/o The American Legion
20 W. 12th Street, Room 300A
St. Paul, MN 55155-2000
Telephone: 651-291-1800

Legionville Camp is at:
9544 Legionville Road
Brainerd, MN 56401

Mailing address prior to camp opening:
Legionville Camp
20 W. 12th St., Room 300A
St. Paul, MN 55155-2000
You can reach us by email at mnlegionville@gmail.com.

Telephone calls of an emergency nature can be placed to Legionville during any hour of any day or night by calling 218-270-3108. During the times when the office is not staffed, phone calls will be forwarded to the Camp Manager’s cellphone. Due to the number of campers attending Legionville each week and our business use of the telephone, we cannot allow campers to use the telephone at their convenience. Parents are asked to encourage their daughter or son to write postcards or letters as an alternative. Experience has shown that well-meaning phone calls from parents tend to encourage homesickness and make the week more difficult for the camper.

“Mail call” is always a very important part of the camper’s day. We encourage you to mail cards and letters to your child. Don’t forget your patrol member just because she or he is at camp. Letters to students or staff should have the following address:

c/o Legionville Camp
9544 Legionville Road
Brainerd, MN 56401

Email can be sent to campers at campermaillegionville@gmail.com and MUST be limited to 1 email per day. Only 1 email will be printed out and handed out with the regular mail received for campers. Please combine greetings from other family members into that one email. Make sure that the campers name and cabin number (if known) are included in the subject line of the email. Campers do NOT have access to the computer and can NOT reply to email messages. No electronic greeting cards will be accepted.

Daily Schedule
 Legionville is a training center for Minnesota school patrol and bus patrol officers. While safety training is the primary program, students will also be attending classes in first aid, canoeing, CPR, online safety, and swimming. Also, necessary recreation and athletics are woven into the daily activities to insure a diversity of the total program and each session kept interesting. Americanism, good citizenship, and sportsmanship are encouraged in a pleasant and entertaining manner.

The following is an example of a normal daily schedule at Legionville:

  • 7:30- 8:10 a.m.             Campers roll out of bed and prepare for the day
  • 8:10- 8:30 a.m.             Inspection
  • 8:30- 8:35 a.m.             Flag Raising
  • 8:35- 9:00 a.m.             Breakfast
  • 9:00- 9:20 a.m.             Prepare for Classes
  • 9:30-10:05 a.m.            First Class *
  • 10:15-10:50 a.m.          Second Class*
  • 11:00-11:35 a.m.          Third Class *
  • 11:45-12:20 a.m.          Fourth Class*
  • 12:30-1:00 p.m.            Lunch
  • 1:00- 1:30 p.m.             Rest Period
  • 1:30- 1:40 p.m.             Mail Call
  • 1:40- 2:30 p.m.             Canteen
  • 2:30- 3:45 p.m.             Afternoon Recreation
  • 4:00- 5:10 p.m.             Recreational Swimming
  • 5:25- 5:30 p.m.             Flag Lowering
  • 5:30- 6:00 p.m.             Supper
  • 6:00- 6:30 p.m.             Rest Period
  • 6:30- 7:45 p.m.             Canteen and Activities
  • 8:00- 9:45 p.m.             Evening Program
  • 10:15 p.m.                      Lights Out

*NOTE: The four classes that campers attend during the morning are Pedestrian Safety, First Aid, Canoeing, and Swimming.

*NOTE:  Alumni campers will have the opportunity to skip these patrol specific classes as long as staff is available.

Legionville is a training center with a definite purpose. Safety training is emphasized in a manner which is readily accepted and retained by the youngsters. At the end of the week the Minnesota Highway Patrol safety officer will give each student an examination covering the school patrol and safety lessons taught while at the training center. Each child who completes the program and passes the examination will receive a Certificate of Graduation in recognition of completion.

After spending a week at Legionville, our hope is that each camper will return to their community as a dedicated and well-trained school patrol member.

“In the operation of our Child Nutrition Program(s), authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap. If anyone believes they have been discriminated against, they should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.”

What To Pack

The following are suggested items to bring to Legionville during the week’s stay:

  1. _____Toiletry articles (towels, washcloths, soap, shampoo, tooth brush, tooth paste, comb, brush, etc.)
  2. _____Sleeping bag (preferred) or single/cot size sheets and blankets, pillow and pillowcase
  3. _____Swim wear, shorts, shirts, pants, sweatshirt or sweater, jeans, jacket, socks, pajamas
  4. _____2 pairs of shoes, if possible
  5. _____Notebook and pencil/pen
  6. _____Sunscreen lotion
  7. _____Insect repellent
  8. _____Flashlight (optional)
  9. _____Softball glove, marked with name
  10. _____Rain coat or umbrella
  11. _____Plenty of enthusiasm, a smile to share and a willingness to make new friends!

Additional equipment will be required for alumni campers, and they will receive that list with their registration confirmation.

It is recommended that campers with allergies should bring their own blanket and pillow. 
Mark items with name to facilitate return of lost articles.

If your child is on any prescription medications, please send the medication in its original container that is clearly marked from your pharmacy with the medication and directions for use. If you choose to send any over-the-counter medications with your child (i.e. Tylenol, allergy medications, or ointments), please send the medications in the original containers with the medication label clearly displayed and mark the container with your child’s name.
Please notify Legionville staff upon arrival to the camp of any health care concerns or changes in your child’s medications.


  • Cellphones
  • Tablets
  • Electronic games
  • Baseballs, softballs, or corresponding lgloves
  • Fishing gear
  • Any inappropriate equipment
  • Pets, such as dogs, cats, goldfish, chameleons, gerbils, spiders, etc.
  • Anything else that would prevent you from having a great experience at Legionville

Legionville Board of Directors

Carl MoonPresidentSend email
Victor GadesVice PresidentSend email
Al DavisTreasurerSend email
Mike MaxaSecretarySend email
Anthony KoopLegion Rep.Send email
Carl MoonCommanderSend email
Judy AckermanAux. PresidentSend email
John WeissSAL CommanderSend email
Jody HassingLegion Riders DirectorSend email
Kevin Kibler40&8 Rep.Send email
Glenn Mueller1st DistrictSend email
Ted Berg2nd DistrictSend email
Don Skow3rd DistrictSend email
Teresa Ash4th DistrictSend email
Shawn Davis5th DistrictSend email
Carl Moon6th DistrictSend email
Victor Gades7th DistrictSend email
Larry Pocrnich8th DistrictSend email
Dan Wilsey9th DistrictSend email
VACANT10th DistrictSend email
Adam FeltenCamp ManagerSend email
Rachael HillComptrollerSend email
Greg ColbyJudge AdvocateSend email
Eugene LeifieldMember Emeritus