Law requires the POW/MIA Flag to be displayed wherever the U.S. Flag is displayed at prominent federal properties
WASHINGTON — The head of the nation’s largest veterans organization thanked President Trump for signing a bipartisan act Friday, Nov. 8., which will require certain prominent federal properties to display the POW/MIA Flag every day with the U.S. Flag.
“I was humbled to stand with my fellow veterans inside the Oval Office and watch the president of the United States sign this symbolic but important legislation,” said American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford the next day. “It is important that Americans never forget that there are still more than 82,000 men and women who were taken prisoner or never had a full accounting. The American Legion reveres their memory and will continue to honor them at all of our meetings. I plan to visit the headquarters of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency later this month to observe their work firsthand. DPAA does a remarkable job of identifying and repatriating so many heroes who paid the ultimate price for freedom. The American Legion is eager to explore additional ways to lend our support.”
With a current membership of nearly two million wartime veterans, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, patriotic youth programs and Americanism. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through nearly 13,000 posts worldwide. From the drafting of the original GI Bill to the creation of the Department of Veterans Affairs, The American Legion is the most influential voice for America’s veterans. The American Legion,, will be celebrating its centennial through Veterans Day.