Good morning Legionnaires,
I want to thank The American Legion family for all you are doing for The American Legion Department of Minnesota in these unprecedented times. I see an opportunity for our Department to come out of this crisis a stronger more efficient organization. We are being forced into the age of electronics that have been around a long time but we have chosen not to embrace this technology to its fullest capacity. We have people in place and ready from the Post levels to the Department level to help you embrace the technologies at our finger tips. Now is the time to start using electronic communications and MyLegion and ask for help if you are having difficulties. We have the time before we open back up for normal business, whatever that will look like, to learn, review, and polish our programs to keep our American Legion moving forward.
What we can work on:
Virtual meetings.
MyLegion tools, membership processing.
Consolidated Post Report. We need a 100% CPR submission for the Department of Minnesota.
Review Constitution and Bylaws. Are they up to date and current with the times?
Review The American Legion programs. How can we improve the program? How can we better advertise the program for better participation?
Review your committee. What has my committee done the past year? What are the committee’s goals for the coming year and what is the long-range plans?
Membership. Transfer membership out of 1982. Develop your game plan to grow membership not only for 2020 also 2021. Remember the 2020 membership year doesn’t end until 31 December 2020. With today’s current state of affairs if they are not a member, they will not be eligible for NEF from National or other programs.
Reports. Are all of your reports current and up to date, i.e. Post/District officers reports, Post data reports, Post/District Service officers report….
Is your website up to date and current? When was the last time you updated photo’s, upcoming events, current officers and staff, menu’s…?
Community involvement. Are you doing your Buddy Checks? Are your food shelves in need of a food drive? Do you need to do a blood drive? How can your Post/District help?
These are just a few ideas and I am sure some of you have already looked into some of my suggestions. We are all in this together and we will rise out of this crisis better and stronger. We are Veterans who know how to overcome adversity and move forward. We are The American Legion, Minnesota!
For God & Country
Your Adjutant, Mike