In the past few weeks I have noticed an increase in questions on how to upgrade a military discharge determination. Know, The American Legion Department of Minnesota is here to help our Minnesota Veterans navigate through this process. Our Department Service Officer as well as our Assistant Department Service Officer have experience and the resources to assist our veterans with the appeals process.
Are you a veteran who needs to change, correct, or modify your discharge? If you qualify and take the proper steps you can apply for a review of discharge and possibly have it changed.
As society has changed throughout the years, many actions that were once a guarantee of a less-than-honorable discharge now are often not applicable reasons for involuntary termination from military service. Therefore, veterans who appeal a less-than-honorable discharge often are successful in having it upgraded. The formation of a new board of appeals for discharges was designed to ensure all previous decisions on appeals were made according to the law and DoD policy.
Each branch has a discharge review board with authority to change, correct or modify discharges. The board has no authority to address medical discharges or those issued by a general courts-martial. The veteran or their surviving next of kin or legal representative may apply for a review of discharge by writing to the military department concerned using the DOD Form 149.
How To Contact Service Review Boards
- Air Force: Air Force Board of Correction of Military Records
- Army: Army Review Board Agency (ARBA)
- Coast Guard: Board for Correction of Military Records of the Coast Guard
- Navy and Marine Corps: The Board for Correction of Naval Records
You can also visit the VA’s How to Apply for a Discharge Upgrade web page for helpful instructions on how to file an appeal.
If Your Appeal Is Denied
If your appeal to your service’s board of review and correction you can appeal that decision to a new board of appeals, the Discharge Appeal Review Board (DARB). The DARB will review a previous denial of a discharge review and make a final decision on your case.
If you are having difficulty navigating through this process contact the Department Service Officer or your County Veterans Service Officer for assistance.