Greetings, Minnesota American Legion Family.
The ceremony for the 100th convention plaque dedication was held in Minneapolis at Peavey Plaza on Nicollet Mall Saturday, Dec. 7. The first American Legion National Convention was held in Minneapolis in 1919 and the 100th convention was held in Minneapolis in August 2018.

The 100th plaque was placed next to the first (1919) plaque. A big thank you to all the participants and planners for organizing this event, especially Dick Ward and Jim Kellogg.
Also, thank you to the color guard from the General Colin Powell Academy for presenting the colors of our country. We had a great turnout for our annual American Legion Family Pearl Harbor get-together in December. Thank you to the Rosetown Post for hosting and to Legion Rider Paul Hassing for being the emcee for this event.
I’m asking District commanders to review their membership plan and revise the plan as needed going into the new year. Get together with your leadership team and look at posts that may need district help to achieve their goals. training has begun! Currently the training is being offered for District officers. Dick Ward, Linda Dvorak and Marvin Ostrum are heading up the training sessions, more information to follow.
National and state membership is ahead of last year at this time. Please keep up the great work!
All donations to my project need to be made out to the following: Minnesota American Legion Foundation Fund 82.
Donations can be given to me or sent to Jennifer Kelley at the following: The American Legion, 20 W. 12th St., Room 300A, St Paul, MN 55155-2000. I hope you all have a great January!
For God and Country.
Mark Dvorak is the commander of The American Legion Department of Minnesota.