Greetings, American Legion Family.
It’s 2021! Happy New Year! I’m confident 2021 will be a less-confusing year. We all should be proud and thankful about all the good The American Legion Family has accomplished and continues to accomplish through uncertain times.

Here are a few examples of the many contributions we have made to our communities the past several months: food drives at Posts for families in need, making of items such as masks for veterans homes and VA medical facilities, Legion Riders involved with support for a deceased veteran and providing an escort for National Guard troops to an armory prior to deployment, blood drives held at Posts, COVID-19 testing at Posts just to name a few. You all continue to lead and set the example of doing good for our communities. I am so thankful to be part of our amazing American Legion Family!
Please continue to do Buddy Checks, this time of year especially. The Department Buddy Check Zoom get-together is still taking place each Sunday night at 7 p.m. and everyone is welcome.
For more information, contact: Jennifer Havlick at [email protected].
Posts, Districts and Department continue with Zoom meetings to keep the business of The American Legion on track. I recommend each Committee Chairman use Zoom for your meetings. The business of The American Legion is too important to wait for an in-person meeting. If you need help with Zoom, please reach out, help is available.
District and Posts continue to work the 1982s using One District transferred more than 10 members to Posts from 1982AD last month. We are not sure when National will flip the switch to Personify360. The last email received from National indicated sometime this quarter, so continue to use
No matter the situation, our Legion Family continues to provide amazing, positive support in our communities. Our mission has not wavered for over 100 years, and it will continue into the future. We all have to take a deep breath (maybe more) and remind ourselves of the good that is yet to come from our amazing organization!
For God and Country, we continue our mission.
Mark Dvorak is the commander of The American Legion Department of Minnesota.