Another Look at the Covid Numbers (#22)

Covid-19 by the Numbers: As of Date: 21-Dec-20
Population of Minnesota = 5640000 {Source Google Search}
% of Population
Total Tests: 5232347
Approximate # of People Tested: 2870337 50.89% % of Total Tests
Positive Cases: 399311 7.08% 7.63%
% of Positive Cases
Recovered Cases: 373301 0.066188 93.49%
Total Deaths: 4872 0.000864 1.22%
LTC or Assisted Living Deaths: 3160 64.86% of Total Deaths
General Population: 1712 0.0042874
Total Requiring Hospitalization: 20629 0.003658 5.17%
# Admitted to Hospital the past week: 705 14 Dec 2020 – 20 Dec 2020
# Admitted to ICU the past week: 111 14 Dec 2020 – 20 Dec 2020
Increase from previous week:  %
Total Tests: 298553 5.71%
Positive Cases: 17470 4.38%
Recovered Cases: 26224 7.02%
Total Deaths: 410 8.42%
LTC or Assisted Living Deaths: 243 7.69%
General Population: 167 9.75%
Total Requiring Hospitalization: 991 4.80%
# Hospitalized This Date: NR
** Source; Minnesota Department of Health