Dec. 8, 1941: The Japanese Imperial Army moves into Shanghai, China, to secure the area and prevent an underground resistance. Many of those captured are members of China American Legion Post 1, including Commander Frank Delacy Mortimer. One year earlier, in 1940, with uncommon foresight and anticipation of the inevitable Japanese occupation, and in an effort to protect the post’s records, then-Adjutant Mortimer had all documents bound into volumes and hid them in a warehouse. During their internment, China Post 1 members distributed Red Cross supplies and moved mail in and out of the facility. Mortimer was elected as the camp representative three consecutive years. Following the end of hostilities, the post resumed operations, which included clothing and feeding expatriates and orphaned children.
Dec. 8, 2018: Nearly $20,000 in cash grants from a local American Legion relief fund are distributed to 60 veterans and their families at Post 95 in Oroville, Calif., after the devastating November Camp Fire wiped out much of Butte County. The fire took the lives of no fewer than 85 residents and destroyed some 20,000 structures. Victims and those left homeless also receive thousands of dollars in American Legion National Emergency Fund assistance.