ST. PAUL — Agent Orange is the topic of discussion for the February gathering of the Vietnam War Roundtable. Local veterans and experts will share the lasting impact of the defoliant chemical.
The topic spurred great interest last year, according to the roundtable’s website. The Vietnam War Roundtable meets at 7 p.m. Feb. 17 at Concordia University in Buetow Auditorium on Hamline Avenue south of Interstate 94.
The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch World War II History Roundtable will feature James Scott, author of “Rampage,” in a lecture titled “Return to the Philippines: The Battle of Manila.”
Veterans will discuss the MacArthur pledge to return, and the bloody urban fighting in Manila that resulted from the Japanese defense. It takes place at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul. There is a $6 parking fee.
Speaker Ken Martin will talk about “The 4th Wisconsin Infantry and the Men of Western Wisconsin” at the St. Croix Valley Civil War Roundtable. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour, a buffet meal at 6 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7 p.m., at the Lowell Inn, 102 N. Second St., in Stillwater.