Today in American Legion history:

Aug. 26, 1982: The American Legion, at its national convention in Chicago, presents a check for $1 million to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, making it the single largest contributor to the monument on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.   The road to its dedication […]

Department boosting the Veterans Assistance Fund

And a farewell was given to the VA&R admin assistant By Tim Engstrom REDWOOD FALLS — Department Service Officer Jeremy Wolfsteller announced to the Department Executive Committee and others watching in person and from home that VA&R Administrative Assistant Heather Larson will be moving on. […]

What veterans-related bills passed the Legislature in 2021

State lawmakers pass Veterans Restorative Justice Act By Tim Engstrom ST. PAUL — It was a rather successful year for veterans-related legislative efforts. The American Legion, along with other participants of the Minnesota Commanders’ Task Force, and the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, had a […]

Boys Nation President and Vice President Elected

California Student Elected President of the 2021 American Legion Boys Nation; Alabama Student Elected Vice President WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 28, 2021) – Two prominent leaders emerged from The American Legion Boys Nation program Tuesday night. Ryan Jung, of Irvine, Calif., was elected President of The […]

2021 Legislative Accomplishments

The American Legion Department of Minnesota It was a rather successful year for our legislative efforts. Your Department of Minnesota had a key role in the successful passage of the following: Three new Minnesota Veterans Homes. Groundbreaking will be Aug. 19 in Preston, Aug. 23 […]

This week in American Legion history

July 19, 1918: Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., is shot through the right leg with a machine gun during battle near Soissons, France.  He is evacuated in the sidecar of a motorcycle before catching an automobile ride to a Paris apartment where his wife, Eleanor, […]

2021 American Legion Night at Target Field

Minnesota American Legion Family Day at Target Field has been set for Sunday, July 25. Minnesota American Legion Commander Mark Dvorak will throw out the first pitch. Third District Commander Linda Dvorak will raise the Twins flag. Keith Deutsch will raise the American flag. And […]

Candidates seek Department officer positions

Opposition exists in chaplain role; other spots remain unopposed REDWOOD FALLS — The race for commander of the Department of Minnesota will be unchallenged at the annual convention. The Department of Minnesota Convention is slated for July 15-17 at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel and is […]