A Report from American Legion National Headquarters
We are a VOICE: “The Legion was so right to point us to Buddy Checks, which is just an opportunity to carve out time from your day to check in on somebody important to you. This is a community issue. And there is community everywhere. Let’s make sure that we’re using all of that community … to underscore the wisdom of the Legion’s thinking. The Legion’s really the catalyst here. The thinking the Legion catalyzed was to make sure that we’re checking on vets no matter where they are.” – VA Secretary Denis McDonough, speaking Oct. 22 at the first-ever Buddy Check Summit in Washington, D.C., as part of National Buddy Check Week; the Buddy Check initiative was established by The American Legion in 2019
700 Minimum years of experience among dozens of accredited American Legion service officers who gathered Oct. 20-25 in Leesburg, Va., for a training session/symposium to learn and share best practices.
$69,930.67; Amount in American Legion National Emergency Fund grants distributed in October to 32 individuals and two posts, in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, along with other declared disasters.
$21,000,396,471.46; Amount in VA benefits secured free of charge, a record, in fiscal 2023-24 by accredited American Legion service officers.
31 US Flag Code inquiries fielded by the American Legions’ Americanism Division in October.
2 New American Legion posts chartered in October; No. 220 in Norridgewock, Maine, and No. 311 in Peck Slip, Texas.
498 Downloads of the Tango Alpha Lima podcast featuring Danielle Robinson, widow of PACT Act namesake, Sgt. Heath Robinson, best of October.
23 Number of American Legion resolutions passed at the National Executive Committee’s Fall Meetings Oct. 9-10, ranging from immigration reform to a call for an investigation into the health effects on veterans who were vaccinated for anthrax while serving.
$49,273; Amount in American Legion youth scholarships disbursed to 17 students in October.
31; U.S. Flag Code inquiries fielded by The American Legions’ Americanism Division in October.
$37,075.45; Amount in American Legion Operation Comfort Warriors grants disbursed in October, assisting more than 350 wounded or at-risk veterans.
$4,500; Amount in American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance grants disbursed in October, stabilizing homes for seven children of three veterans.
7 New Sons of The American Legion squadrons chartered in October, in Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
$852,593; Amount in American Legion Child Well-being Foundation grants awarded in October for 2025 to 13 different youth-serving nonprofit organizations.
We are a VOICE: “It just goes to show you how the Legion Family, the mentality of that, can spread. Not just within your department but actually between the states. I have witnessed an overwhelming response from our sister departments across the Southeast. They are coming to help. They are doing what they can. It’s surprising to see people care so much in this world.” – American Legion Department of Tennessee East Vice Commander James McLaughlin, on the outpouring of relief items, volunteers and other forms of assistance from The American Legion Family in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene
$243,750; Amount in American Legion Samsung Scholarships awarded Oct. 7 to 95 recipients who participated in American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State in 2024.
3,100; Rounds of ceremonial ammunition distributed to 38 American Legion posts and 18 departments in October through the Military Surplus Program under the administration of the National Security Division.
26 Number of Eagle Scout recognition certificates issued through The American Legion’s Americanism, Children & Youth Divisions in October, to go along with one Sea Scout and one Summit Award recognitions.