Membership Reports

  • Membership Reports

NOTE: The membership report that is published on our website includes all HQ. transfers and should not be used to calculate your district delegate strength for the national convention. National uses the membership report that counts only encumbered members. Thirty days prior to the start of the national convention they provide the department the authorized delegate strength for the Department of Minnesota. Questions please give us a call.

As of today, 5 June 24, the following is the number of members needed to add one more delegate to your district authorization:

District 1 = 6501
District 2 = 5501
District 3 = 9501
District 4 = 2501
District 5 = 1501
District 6 = 9501
District 7 = 5501
District 8 = 3501
District 9 = 5501
District 10 = 7501