National dues adjustment for 2025 membership year
The American Legion’s last national per-capita dues will increase from $18.50 to $23.50 for the 2025 membership year. The $5 increase will go into effect July 1, 2024.
American Legion posts are encouraged to complete a post data report in as quickly as possible to increase your post dues rate, if needed. An early submission will ensure enough time for processing.
And posts should check with their respective department about their per capita dues as well.
The due increase comes at a time when the need for American Legion advocacy, expertise, influence, services and programs are needed in every corner of our nation. And because of a decline in membership and the current economy. This is a time to continue supporting The American Legion’s ability to serve veterans, members of the U.S. armed forces and young people. A national $5 per-capita dues increase can prevent National Headquarters from having to cut programs and services. The American Legion’s ability to succeed over the next decade depends on positive cash flow and the ability to invest in the future.
The Department of Minnesota’s finance committee is recommending to the delegation of the 2024 department convention a $3.00 dues increase for department per capita for approval at convention. Per the Department of Minnesota’s constitution & bylaws a membership dues increase or, per capita, can only be approved at department convention. A total of an eight dollar dues increase for the 2025MY from the national and department levels is necessary to maintain the programs of The American Legion.