The Minnesota American Legion College set for Thursday, April 24, to Sunday, April 27, at Camp Ripley. The deadline to register is March 15.
Tuition is $200 per student. It’s wise to take American Legion Basic Training online before filling out this form. That way, you have the certificate. Click here to take Basic Training.
Minnesota Legion College is open to Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders members. For questions, email [email protected].
Click here to pay the tuition for Minnesota American Legion College with Eventbrite. To pay with Eventbrite, there is a $15.26 service fee.
Tuition is typically paid for, with approval, by your post’s membership fund or general fund, because what is learned benefits the post.
To mail a check for an even $200, please make it out to “American Legion Department of Minnesota” and put “Legion College” and the student’s name in the memo. Mail it to American Legion Department of Minnesota, 20 W. 12th St. Room 300A, St. Paul, MN 55155-2000 with enough time to arrive before or on the April 1 registration deadline.