Recently, we sat down with veterans from all branches of the military to hear about their experiences as members of the Minnesota American Legion. In this post, we interview U.S. Army veteran, Raymond Eiden, member of Falldin Post 555 and U.S. Air Force veteran, Dr. Carl R. Moon, member of Zimmerman Post 560.
What persuaded you to join the MN American Legion?
Being a veteran, I wanted to help other veterans. Also, after I got out of the service I went to St. Paul College on the GI bill. My tuition was covered and I even received money for going to school. I wanted to give back for the help I received. (Raymond Eiden)
I was persuaded to join the MN American Legion because my wife was involved before I was eligible for membership. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
What do you appreciate most about your MN American Legion?
I appreciate the dedication of its members in helping veterans, their families and the community. (Raymond Eiden)
Not only do we support veterans but we support their families, our communities and our nation. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
What is one unexpected benefit you’ve experienced as a member of the MN American Legion?
I’ve formed lifelong relationships with other legion members. (Raymond Eiden)
I’m thankful for the lifelong friendships I’ve formed. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
If you were asked by a non-member what the biggest benefit of being a member is, what would you say?
The biggest benefit is the satisfaction I receive from helping others who are in need. (Raymond Eiden)
I’d say the protection of veterans benefits and rights. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
How has being a member of the MN American Legion impacted you?
It’s shown me the importance of what can be accomplished when we work together. (Raymond Eiden)
I never thought that, after serving in active duty, I would be serving our country as a veteran. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
What is your favorite activity to participate in through the MN American Legion?
I enjoy Veteran’s Day. Our post is present at Applebees and it allows me to meet and talk to other veterans and thank them for their service. I also enjoy taking part in the Memorial Day services. (Raymond Eiden)
I love attending our post meetings and our district, department and national conventions because I always learn so much. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
What veteran services have you taken advantage of through your local MN American Legion post?
I’ve used our American Legion post discount card for purchases at Office Max. (Raymond Eiden)
I’ve taken out VA home loans. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
How does the MN American Legion meet veteran needs?
The legion helps vets through donations from legionnaires and various organizations. The GI Bill provides medical and educational assistance. MACV helps homeless veterans. There are our veterans homes and VA hospitals as well. (Raymond Eiden)
The American Legion provides protection of veterans rights and benefits and assistance to them and their families. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
How does the MN American Legion support the troops?
The American Legion sends care packages to troops deployed overseas. We also support families of troops who are deployed. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is one such program. (Raymond Eiden)
We take care of families while troops are deployed and we send care packages to the troops. The MN American Legion advocates for congressional support and funding for our troops and the military. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
How does the MN American Legion support youth in your area?
The MN American Legion supports schools in our area by providing school supplies and teaching flag etiquette. They also support programs such as the Oratorical Contest, Legion baseball and Boys State. (Raymond Eiden)
The MN American Legion supports youth sports programs, facilitates graduation parties, provides scholarships and presents the colors at high school football games. They also support local cub scout and boy scout troops. (Dr. Carl R. Moon)
To find a Minnesota American Legion post in your community, click here! If you’d like to learn more about the Minnesota American Legion and what we do for vets and our communities, visit our website. #joinmnamericanlegion