Grant Money for Posts From TAL (Update #1)

Legion posts affected by COVID can apply for $1,000 grant

Mission Blue Post Assistance Program

At the 2020 Fall National Executive Committee Meeting, Resolution #36, Subject: Mission Blue Post Assistance Program was approved. Posts impacted by a government’s public health restrictions implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for a grant up to $1,000. Posts must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • A post must have a current consolidated post report on file.
  • A post must have filed an IRS 990 within the prescribed due date.
  • A post must have filed all other required forms and reports as prescribed by the departments.
  • A post must have actively participated in one or more The American Legion(s) within the last 18 months.
  • A post must have a financial need.
  • A post must provide a certificate of insurance naming The American National Headquarters as an additional insured (copy of insurance declaration will be attached to application).
  • A post must provide documentation indicating that the post is properly incorporated.

The funds from this grant program shall be used exclusively for the following:

  • Current and past due mortgage principal and interest or
  • Current and past due real estate rents or
  • Current and past due insurance premiums or
  • Current and past due utilities.

The American Legion posts receiving this grant are required to submit a true and accurate report outlining how the funds were used, signed by the post finance officer, and certified by the post commander or post adjutant within six-months of receipt of the grant funds or no later than February 22, 2022. Whichever comes first.

The fillable application form with the instruction sheet provides more submission information and where to send the application upon completion is on the website under the Department tab, scroll down to “Post Resources” and scroll through the many resources until you reach Mission Blue. Contact the Department of Minnesota to obtain the PDF fillable form. 651.291.1800 or email; [email protected] .

American Legion posts have until Dec. 31, 2021, to apply for an Operation Blue PAP grant
