An American Legion Department of Minnesota legislative priority approved by the Department Executive Committee at the October 2021 committee meeting.
Call to Action: Legionnaires call your local representatives and Senators for them to back this bill and pass it this year!
HF3046; a bill for an act to provide free game and fishing licenses to “active duty military and honorably discharged military Veterans”.
Author of the bill;
Rep. Julie Sandstede (DFL) District: 06A
411 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
E-mail: [email protected]
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Read the full context of the House bill by clicking on this link:
Status: 02/03/2022, Introduced and first reading, referred to “Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.”
Committee Chair: Rep. Rick Hansen (52A)
Vice Chair: Rep. Ami Wazlawik (38B)
SF2715; a bill for an act to provide free game and fishing licenses to “active duty military and honorably discharged military Veterans”.
Authors of the bill;
Read the full context of the Senate bill by clicking on this link:
Status: 02/03/2022, Introduced and first reading, referred to “Environment and Natural Resources and legacy.”