Four Rules of an American Legion Program
Whether a program is chartered by a post, department or national, it is incumbent on The American Legion that we control the actions of that program to best meet the needs of our organization, provide oversight and protect the brand. Therefore, when a body sets up a program, whether it’s a Sons of The American Legion squadron or an American Legion Riders chapter, the program itself must be answerable to the body which chartered it.
Rule #1 – “Leadership” – All elected and appointed leaders must be confirmed by the parent organization after each selection, or as needed.
Rule #2 – “Rules” – All bylaws, amendments and/or standing rules must be presented to the parent organization for confirmation and approval prior to use.
Rule #3 – “Reports” – The program will provide to the parent organization: (a) monthly activities reports; (b) quarterly financial reports; (c) an annual financial statement; and (d) any additional report(s) requested by the parent organization.
Rule #4 – “Controls” – The parent organization may provide the program with the employer identification number (EIN) and the tax-exemption status with the necessary financial controls over their usage. All program financial accounts must have a minimum of two (2) parental signatories appointed by the parent organization. “Parent Organization” denotes an American Legion organization level as it relates to the program at the post, district, department and/or the national organization.
This will alleviate confusion and problems that sometimes occur when a program initiated in good faith by a parent organization gradually falls out of favor and begins to act as an independent body without answering to the parent affiliate. Any programs that use the name “American Legion” must follow these four rules so that national does not have to enforce intellectual property rights against a subsidiary organization using our name.
Mark C. Seavey, J.D.
National Judge Advocate