Register online with Eventbrite by clicking here. (Scroll down if paying by check.)
Download the printable registration found in the Legionnaire here.
Blood Drive: 23 October 2025, 12:00-5:00p.m., State Room. Sign-up to donate at Red-CrossBlood.org and enter “Legion Conference” or zip code “56301”. If you prefer to call and reserve your spot call; 866.236.3276
The Fall Conference is one of our most important gatherings of the year. It is our annual school of instruction. There is discussion, patriotism and camaraderie. We hope it’s the kind of event you can talk about when you return to your post home and your fellow Legionnaires.
Your attendance at the annual Fall Conference shows your dedication to our great organizations and the four pillars of The American Legion.
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” — Herbert Spencer
What: 2025 Fall Conference
Where: River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave S. St Cloud, MN 56301
When: Oct. 24-25, 2025, with committee meetings and DEC Oct. 23.
There will be some committee meetings on Thursday afternoon with the DEC meeting Thursday evening. General training sessions begin Friday, Oct. 24, and finish Saturday, Oct. 25, 2025.
Who: Hosted by the Department Convention Corp.
Pay by check: Use the form from the Legionnaire by clicking here. Registration received by Oct. 13 is $20, checks can be made out to “Minnesota American Legion Convention Corp.” and mailed to Minnesota American Legion Convention Corp., P.O. Box 166, Princeton, MN 55371
Pay online: Registration with Eventbrite is $20 plus a $2.85 service fee. Online registration ends at noon Friday, Oct. 17.
Pay at the door: Registration at the door is $30.
Meals: Pre-purchased meals are available for TBD each. The meals are breakfasts on Friday and Saturday and a lunch on Friday. Please indicate with your check which meals you desire. Or you can purchase your meals with Eventbrite by clicking here.
Memories: Last a lifetime
We look forward to seeing all of you wonderful Legion Family Members at the Fall Conference. You will need to book your lodging yourself.
Headquarters hotel:
Best Western Plus Kelly Inn St. Cloud: 320-253-0606
Nearby hotels:
Courtyard by Marriott St. Cloud: 320-654-1661
GrandStay Residential Suites Hotel St. Cloud: 320-251-5400

Program for the 2025 Fall Conference, 23-25 October 2025
This was the program for the 2024 Fall Conference for reference only. The 2025 program will post as it develops.
12:00 – 5:00 P.M Blood Drive Room: State
2:00 P.M. Gambling Seminar Ballroom/Sunwood
3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Committee Meetings
3:00 P.M. Convention Corp./Committee Room: University “A”
3:30 P.M. LIT Room: Poolside
4:00 P.M. Americanism Room: Senate
4:00 P.M. Children & Youth Room: Poolside
4:00 P.M. National Security & Foreign Relations Room: Congress
4:00 P.M. Strategic Planning Room: Sunwood
4:00 P.M. American Legion Foundation Room: Boardroom
5:00 P.M. Training Committee Room: University “B”
6:30 P.M. Membership Seminar Convention Center Auxiliary Meeting Ballroom
National President
7:00 P.M. Department Executive Committee Room: Ballroom/Sunwood
FRIDAY – 24 Oct
8:00 A.M. – 8:20 A.M. Opening Ceremonies and Greetings Room: Ballroom
Sixth District Commander
Area Department Vice Commander
Mayor of St Cloud
St Cloud Convention & Visitors Bureau
8:30 A.M – 10:25 A.M. Breakout Training Sessions
MyLegion Help
8:30 A.M. – 9:25 A.M. Instructor: Carla Tappainer Room: Senate
Be the One
Instructor: Kelley Adelsman Room: University “A”
Janet Lorenzo
Protect your Post
Instructor: Judge Advocate Greg Colby Room: Congress
The American Legion {revitalization-resources-engage}
Instructor: Training Committee Room: University “B”
Breakout Training Sessions
9:30 A.M. – 10:25 A.M. Voter Outreach
Instructors: Secretary of State Room: Senate
Instructor: Paul Edwards Room: University “B”
Cannabis-Know the Law
Instructor: JA Greg Colby Room: Congress
Post Service Officer Responsibilities
Instructor: Janet Lorenzo Room: University “A”
1030 A.M. General Session Room: Ballroom
10:35 A.M. – 11:20 A.M. NSFR Outstanding Enlisted Service Members
11:20 A.M. – 11:35 A.M. NEC Reporting Nationally and Introduction
11:35 A.M. – 11:55 A.M. Leading candidate for National Commander
11:55 A.M – 12:00 Noon Announcements
1:00 P.M. – 2:55 P.M. Breakout Training Sessions
1:00 P.M. – 1:55 P.M.
MyLegion Help
Instructor: Carla Tappainer Room: Senate
Be the One
Instructor: Kelley Adelsman Room: University “A”
Janet Lorenzo
Protect your Post
Instructor: Judge Advocate Greg Colby Room: Congress
The American Legion
Instructor: Training Committee Room: University “B”
2:00 P.M. – 2:55 P.M. Breakout Training Sessions
Programs & Awards Resources
Instructors: Training Committee Room: Senate
Instructor: Paul Edwards Room: University “B”
Cannabis-Know the Law
Instructor: JA Greg Colby Room: Congress
Post Service Officer Responsibilities
Instructor: Janet Lorenzo Room: University “A”
3:00 P.M. General Session Room: Ballroom
3:05 P.M. – 3:25 P.M. Keynote Speaker: Brock Hunter-Veterans Defense Project {VDP}
3:25 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. Adjutant updates & Commanders comments
3:30 P.M. Recess
10:00 A.M. Finance Room: Boardroom
4:00 P.M. Hospital Association Meeting Room: University “A”
4:00 P.M. Legislative Committee Meeting Room: Congress
5:30 P.M. SAL Detachment Finance & Executive Committee meetings Room University “B”
9:00 A.M. Opening Ceremonies and Greetings Room: Ballroom
9:05 A.M. Legion Family Greetings
Department Auxiliary President
Honorary Department Jr. President
Sons of the American Legion Commander
Department American Legion Riders Director
9:25 A.M. Legislative Agenda 2025 Chair Kristy Janigo
9:45 A.M. Committee Chair Responsibilities Training Committee
10:00 A.M. Fund 85 Application Post Involvement ADSO-Janet Lorenzo
10:20 A.M. Why Legion College – MN & National Training Committee
10:35 A.M. Department Membership updates Carla Tappainer
10:55 A.M. Media Awards Tim Engstrom
11:15 A.M. Why Should You Belong Training Committee
11:45 A.M. Donations & Commander’s final comments Carl Moon
8:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. SAL Detachment General Session Room: University “A”
1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. American Legion Riders Mtg Room: University “B”
Subject Synopsis:
MyLegion: For our members who need assistance on how to use MyLegion. How to find members that have not renewed and retain them or bring them back. Reports that are available to manage membership.
Be the One: An explanation of the national organizations suicide prevention program. How the districts and posts can bring awareness to their members. Resources available for awareness from the national website.
Voter Outreach: Resources available to get out the vote in your communities. Voter programs tailored for veterans and their families.
Post Service Officer Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the post service officer to bring awareness to all veterans and their families on the rights and benefits granted to them. Resources available to help veterans in need.
Resolutions: How to write a resolution. The process, where to start, next level of approvals. The do’s and don’ts when writing a resolution.
Protect your Post: Why should your post incorporate. The constitution & bylaws are the governing documents on how the post operates. Record keeping and the accuracy of meeting minutes.
The American Legion: Why revitalizations are important to your post. Promote The American Legion and your post. Resources available to make your post and membership successful. Engage veterans to join The American Legion and an active post in your community.
Cannabis: Know the laws and permits needed if your post is going to sell cannabis.
Committee Chair Responsibilities: The responsibilities of a department, district, and post committees and chairs. How to run a successful committee.
Legislative Agenda: The 2025 American Legion Department of Minnesota’s legislative agenda to take back to your posts. How to get involved and support the agenda.
Fund 85: Why it’s so important for the posts to be involved in assisting veterans in need. The process starts at the post level. An overview of the process.
Why Legion College: Why our Legionnaires should attend Minnesota American Legion college and the National college. Subject matter taught at the college. The application process for both Minnesota and National.
Why Belong: Why you should belong to The American Legion and the programs of The American Legion. Our four pillars and the importance of them.
Veterans Defense Project {VDP}: Their mission is to restore veterans involved in the criminal justice system to the communities they served. Along with The American Legion Department of Minnesota, VDP was key in the passage of the Veterans Restorative Justice Act by our state legislators in 2021. Commander Carl’s project for his year and goal of raising $60,000.
Blood Drive: The national blood supply has fallen by over 25% since July 1. Blood product distributions to hospitals are outpacing the number of blood donations, rapidly drawing down the blood supply. The Red Cross is working with hospitals around the clock to meet the blood needs of patients – but can’t do it alone. We need your help! This year at our Fall Conference we will have an opportunity to make a difference. You can sign up to donate on Thursday, October 24th from 1200 to 1700. Our drive goal is 35 units. This amounts to 3.5 donors per district. You can go to RedCrossBlood.org and enter legion conference or zip code 56301 or call 866-236-3276. There’s an urgent need for blood donors of all blood types to give now.
United We Stand
Terry Larson
Breakfast & Lunch: Served buffet style poolside. Breakfast starts @ 7:00 A.M… Lunch Starts @ 1145 A.M… You must purchase meal tickets at time of registration or at registration check-in.

Schedule of Upcoming Fall Conferences
2025: St. Cloud, Oct. 23-25
2026: St. Cloud, Oct. 22-24