American Legion history

Catching up on and looking ahead at American Legion history:  June 30, 1930: American Legion Memorial Bridge is completed in Traverse City, Mich., crossing the Boardman River. It is placed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 2000. June 30, 1946: Omaha, Neb., American […]

Today in American Legion history: 

June 23, 1935: Legionnaires Harold Card and Hayes Kennedy organize the first American Legion Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. Meant to counter the Soviet Union’s communist Young Pioneer camps, Boys State quickly catches on as a program to teach young Americans […]

How to get a virtual hearing at the BVA

The Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) has held over 13,000 virtual tele-hearings. These virtual tele-hearings allow the Board to hold hearings for Veterans safely and efficiently from wherever the Veteran chooses. Best of all, the technology allows the Board to be more efficient and more […]

National Security Division Update

Legislative Issues • Support for Afghan Interpreters through the Special Immigrant Visa Program – The American Legion advocate for Afghan Interpreters who stood shoulder to shoulder with U.S. Forces and Diplomats contributing to saving countless American lives. The American Legion urges the President of the […]

VA Plans to Expand Benefits for Toxic Exposure Claims

New evaluation process to be applied in identifying future presumptive conditions: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced on May 27 two major decisions related to presumptive conditions – one associated with Agent Orange/herbicide exposure and the other on particulate matter exposures during military service […]

Predatory Claims Companies Contacting Veterans

VSOs discuss concerns over predatory claims companies. The American Legion and other VSOs are quite concerned about the predatory behavior of “for profit companies” offering their services to veterans. They give veterans the illusion that a paid service will yield better service and results, while […]

American Legion Programs Video

This short six minute video is a great summary of why we belong, our “Programs”. Follow the link below to view and enjoy!

In The History of The American Legion

May 8-10, 1919: The American Legion’s constitution is approved at the St. Louis Caucus, conducted inside the Shubert Theater. Before declining nomination to lead the new organization but serving as temporary chairman of the caucus, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., calls the session to order with a […]

National Youth Programs are a Go!

The American Legion to Shelby, N.C.:  ‘Play Ball!’ The American Legion World Series to be held as originally scheduled INDIANAPOLIS (April 26, 2021) –  The head of the nation’s largest veterans organization announced that The American Legion World Series will be played in Shelby, N.C., […]