What: Minnesota Boys State
When: June 8 – 14, 2025
Where: St John’s University
Who: Hosted by the Minnesota American Legion Boys State Committee
UPDATE: The 2025 Boys State Session is scheduled.
The Minnesota Boys State Committee and St. John’s University have scheduled to hold Boys State, June 8-14 at the campus of the university. Contact Jennifer Kelley at the Department of Minnesota to register: 651-291-1800.
Learn more at:
Download registration and housing documents:
Boys State
What is Minnesota American Legion Boys State?
Minnesota American Legion Boys State is a week-long experience of learning about Minnesota government at the local, county and state levels by “doing”. It is a week of intensive study and involvement. The participants will actually organize and participate in the various levels and branches of government in addition to participating in athletics, music, writing for the

newspaper or holding leadership positions across all levels of the program. Every boy will participate in the process of city, county and state government. Minnesota Boys State is a program for young men who have just completed their junior year of high school. Highlights of the week include political speakers, mock trials, campaigning, elections, and announcement of the Boys State Governor and State Constitutional Officers.
Unlike a summer or recreational camp, Minnesota Boys State is a week of studying and learning by involvement. However, we do have fun times, too. To illustrate this point, included in this mailing is a schedule of a typical day’s activities so you may see the type of program that is promoted and the pace expected to the citizens. The citizens also have the opportunity for group living. For many, it will be their first exposure to dormitory living and sharing a room. Meals are served cafeteria style. This is quite different from their home environment. This week will be a good preview of college dorm life. The citizens have both an opportunity and a responsibility. The opportunity is one of participating in a program of government with hundreds of other young men from throughout Minnesota. The responsibility is not only spending the week learning as much as he can, but also taking this knowledge and experience back into his school and his community, using it and sharing it with others. If you have any questions concerning Minnesota American Legion Boys State, please contact State Headquarters or your local American Legion Post.
Our staff is an all volunteer organization comprised of Legionaries, former Boys Stators, teachers, and civic minded citizens from various professions. Combined the staff has decades of experience in instructing the delegates at Boys State and works hard to fulfill the objectives and goals put forth by the American Legion.
Go to our website and find out more about Minnesota Boys State www.mnboysstate.org or contact The American Legion Department of Minnesota at
American Legion Department of Minnesota
20 West 12th Street, Room 300-A
St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone: 651-291-1800
Toll-free: 866-259-9163
Fax: 651-291-1057

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