By District 39A Rep. Bob Dettmer

Some of you may have received word that two bills I authored exempting congressionally chartered veterans organizations such as American Legions and VFWs from property taxes would be heard in the House Taxes Committee on Thursday.
We received further clarification from Taxes Committee staff that the Taxes Committee will simply refer the two bills to the Property Taxes Division. This is a procedural motion and there will be no public hearing or public testimony on the bills on Thursday. There is no need to attend Thursday’s Taxes Committee hearing to show support for these bills.
We will get word out to veterans if and when (hopefully when!) the bills will be heard in the Property Taxes Division. You can click on the two bills — HF3049 and HF 3050 — for links to the language.
Thank you for your continued engagement in the legislative process and for speaking on behalf of all our veterans with ONE VOICE.
Bob Dettmer is the ranking Republican on the Minnesota House Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.