Effective Oct. 18, the Department of Veterans Affairs is launching its new Ask VA (AVA) system, which will replace the current Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS).
IRIS is a web-based system that allows anyone to submit a question to the appropriate VA office, accessed via the VA.gov homepage, GI Bill help portal, and MyHealtheVet tech support.
AVA will provide faster customer support and access to VA services. The option to authenticate on va.gov establishes a centralized location for veterans to find all inquiry related information/documentation. This will eliminate the need for veterans to sift through various emails to view inquiry answers or locate any forms.
Inquiries can be submitted through the VA.gov Ask A (AVA) Question Page.
Ask VA (AVA) will allow customers to submit questions, concerns, recommendations, and compliments. AVA provides the ability for customers to Interact with all VA branches and receive timely, verified, and accurate responses for VA-related questions.
Why use ASK VA (AVA):
• Your questions, recommendations, and suggestions are quickly routed to the correct VA contacts to provide timely responses
• Using your VA.gov login safeguards your personal information
• Easily track your conversations and inquiries using your VA.gov login
• Frequent users will need a VA.gov login for the best experience