Message from VA Secretary Collins

VA Secretary Doug Collins addresses Veterans benefits rumors in latest video.

VA Secretary Doug Collins released a video from his office today addressing misinformation circulating about Veterans’ benefits and VA health care. In a direct and candid message, Collins refuted several rumors he described as “whoppers.”

Collins began by reaffirming VA’s commitment to prioritizing Veterans.

“We’re putting Veterans number one back at the VA,” he said. He acknowledged that changes can generate friction, but emphasized that these reforms are aimed at strengthening VA services for Veterans.

Among the rumors he challenged was the claim that VA health care would suffer. Collins categorically denied this, stating that the department has reinforced health care and benefits by safeguarding 300,000 mission-critical positions to ensure uninterrupted services.

Another rumor he addressed was that Veterans’ benefits were being cut.

“They’re not,” he said, explaining that VA had redirected nearly $98 million toward Veterans’ care and services rather than reducing them.

Finally, Collins addressed the rumor that VA was laying off Veterans Crisis Line responders.

“We did not lay off any Veteran Crisis Line responders,” he stated firmly, assuring that those answering crisis calls remain in place to support Veterans in need.

Collins concluded by urging Veterans to seek information directly from VA rather than relying on misinformation circulating in political discourse. “When you want the truth, come to me, not the Whopper line up on Capitol Hill.”

Veterans are encouraged to visit or contact their local VA offices.
