Another Look at the Covid Numbers (#20)


Covid-19 by the Numbers: As of Date: 7-Dec-20
Population of Minnesota = 5640000 {Source Google Search}
% of Population
Total Tests: 4623492
Approximate # of People Tested: 2669121 47.32% % of Total Tests
Positive Cases: 356152 6.31% 7.70%
% of Positive Cases
Recovered Cases: 314138 0.055698 88.20%
Total Deaths: 4005 0.00071 1.12%
LTC or Assisted Living Deaths: 2645 66.04% of Total Deaths
General Population: 1360 0.0038186
Total Requiring Hospitalization: 18358 0.003255 5.15%
# Admitted to Hospital the past week: 1074 30 Nov – 6 Dec 2020
# Admitted to ICU the past week: 155 30 Nov – 6 Dec 2020
Increase from previous week:  %
Total Tests: 360686 7.80%
Positive Cases: 37389 10.50%
Recovered Cases: 41530 13.22%
Total Deaths: 412 10.29%
LTC or Assisted Living Deaths: 232 8.77%
General Population: 180 13.24%
Total Requiring Hospitalization: 1567 8.54%
# Hospitalized This Date: NR
** Source; Minnesota Department of Health